Wear your heart on your sleeve

Show your commitment to your local sports team by getting a tattoo! Ok, a temporary tattoo. Football club tattoos, rugby club tattoos, hockey club tattoos, swimming club tattoos (yes, our tattoos stay on under water!). We’ll stop listing the sports now, you get the idea. Have fun!

  • Party Tattoos

    Varsity night? Get tattoos for your big club night!

    Tat me up! 
  • Are these tattoos actually any good?

    Of course they are! Everything you need to know about Ink Parlour tattoos.

    Give me the knowledge 
  • Doing something bigger?

    Possibilities are endless. Drop us a line. We'll be able to help.

    Contact the Tat Controller 

Collection: Sports Club Tattoos

Get temporary tattoos with your club's badge. Ink Parlour are durable enough to stand up to punishment from playing sports and will even stay on underwater. So great for for swimming club tattoos too.